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Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions


1.1 These Terms and Conditions form the basis of the Agreement between The Client (You/Your) and Thryv (Us/Our) and its Medical Practitioners.


1.1 Please read these Terms and our Privacy Policy carefully and take the opportunity to ask Us questions.


1.2 By booking with Us, You agree to be bound by these Terms.




2.1 If Your appointment in person, We kindly ask for a full 48 hours’ notice if You need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If Your appointment is remote consultation, We kindly ask for 12 hours’ notice. Cancellations can be made online or by email to


2.2 Failure to comply with Our cancellation notice policy will result in the loss of a deposit/booking fee and/or the loss of a consultation and/or treatment session.


2.3 Overall treatment cost will depend on Your individual needs. The total price quoted at the point of booking is indicative of the treatment You select. Following Your consultation, Your treatment plan may change, if so the remaining balance payable by You on the day may be amended by Us to reflect the treatment provided.


2.4 Deposits will be charged on booking and deducted from Your total treatment price payable on the day. This is to reduce no-shows and maximise appointment availability for Our existing Clients.


2.5 If You arrive for a treatment and it is deemed unsafe or inappropriate for any reason, You may not be reimbursed Your deposit.


Late arrivals


3.1 Arriving late for Your appointment, either in-person or remote, will unfortunately result in a reduction in Your treatment and/or consultation time.


3.2 If we need to cancel or reschedule Your treatment and/or consultation due to a late arrival, You will not be reimbursed Your deposit.


Risk of clinical complications


4.1 The health and safety of Our Clients is at the heart of all we do and while we will do Our very best to ensure a satisfactory outcome, no clinical procedure is entirely risk-free, and the results of any particular procedure cannot be guaranteed.


4.2 Although rare, some procedures have well documented complications and these together with Your personal risk will be discussed during You consultation and documented in the patient information leaflet and consent form.


4.3 Many complications can be managed simply and conservatively, and we will aim to treat these to the best of Our abilities and knowledge. However, in the unlikely event of a complication being more serious and You needing further treatment outside of Our expertise, arrangements will be made for You to be treated in the NHS, or if You wish, privately at Your own cost. Please be advised that private medical insurance may not cover complications arising from aesthetic treatments.


4.4 If You experience a complication and need to see someone, Our Medical Practitioners may not be available, in which case You should consult Your GP or attend You nearest urgent care centre A&E department, depending on the level urgency.


Treatment disclaimer including refunds


5.1 Every effort will be made to ensure You have the best possible outcome but as with all medical procedures there can be a spectrum of results. As individuals differ in their responses to, and the outcome of, the treatment, no clinical or financial guarantees can be given.


5.1 Treatment fees cannot be refunded in the case of a sub-optimal result (including no result), or complications, as all fees paid are related entirely to the services provided i.e. professional time, expertise, product costs and other costs incurred in providing the treatment, and those costs are incurred irrespectively of the results achieved.


5.3 Additional costs may occur should complications arise from the treatment and further treatment is required.


Documents and records


6.1 We require all Clients to complete a registration form and provide contact details including full name, date of birth, address, telephone numbers and email address.


6.2 All Clients must also complete a medical questionnaire before their first appointment,

which is required for the consultation and treatment planning. All Clients will be asked to review and/or update their medical questionnaire at each appointment and will be asked to sign to confirm that their details remain accurate.


6.3 All Clients will be asked to sign a consent form prior to any treatment. You have the right to change Your mind to treatment at any time, even after You have signed the consent form.


6.4 We will keep records and case documents for each Client registered with Us. You have the right to request a copy of any documents which we may hold in relation to Your care; and which we shall provide if You first pay a reasonable fee as determined by Us.


Private prescriptions


7.1 Your consulting Medical Practitioner may issue a private prescription for medicines appropriate for Your condition, only when in their professional judgment and based on the medical history You have provided and the symptoms You describe, it is in Your best interests to receive the medicine.


7.2 Medical Practitioners prescribe in accordance with the Thryv prescribing guidelines, that comply with NICE and RPS guidelines and essential standards set out by relevant professional regulators such as the GMC, NMC, HCPC or GPhC. We may refuse to prescribe medicines when we believe it is not in Your best interests to receive those medicines without the benefit of an in-person consultation. We strongly advise You to share information with Your regular Doctor/GP about any private prescriptions You receive.


7.3 We do not routinely prescribe certain types of medications such as specialist drugs, medications requiring close monitoring, or controlled drugs. This is not an exhaustive list and Your consulting Medical Practitioner may advise You that a particular medication may not be suitable for prescription at the time of the appointment.


7.4 If You are issued a prescription, depending on a number of factors including Your location and the medication You have been a prescribed, a prescription may be fulfilled in the following ways:

a. Collect Your medication from Your local pharmacy (ePrescription or directly arranged by Thryv).

b. Dispensed using a paper prescription at dispensing pharmacy.

c. Over the counter (where a prescription is not required for Your prescribed medication).


7.5 Where a prescription is fulfilled by a dispensing pharmacy

a. Thryv private prescriptions are processed by a dispensing pharmacy who can ensure fulfilment of medications to You. The dispensing pharmacy is a separate entity from Thryv and to the extent permitted by law Thryv disclaims any liability for any acts or omissions of the dispensing pharmacy and has no control over or responsibility for any individual pharmacy, their policies in relation to acceptance or otherwise of private prescriptions, delivery of private prescriptions, opening hours or availability. We receive no remuneration for prescriptions from pharmacies.

b. For the purposes fulfilling Your prescription and verifying Your identity on collection or delivery of Your medication, You authorise Thrive to share Your prescription and contact data with the pharmacy, taking all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. The pharmacy will communicate with You directly to process the prescription including confirmation of Your details and taking payment from you for the medications prescribed and arranging delivery where applicable.


7.6 Private prescriptions are always chargeable to the Client. We charge an additional fee for any prescription provided, this does not include the price of the medication. The dispensing pharmacy determines the price of the medication for which we have no involvement and receive no commission.


7.7 You acknowledge that You and the dispensing pharmacy are solely responsible for arranging to receive medication and paying for such medication and delivery (where a delivery service is used) on such terms that You agree with the pharmacy that dispenses the medication. You are under no obligation to purchase any prescribed medication. We shall not be responsible for ensuring that You receive the medicine You are prescribed or that the medicine You receive is the same as that prescribed.


7.8 You are responsible for the information You provide to Us about Yourself, this includes but is not limited to medical conditions, current medications, known allergies, sensitivities or intolerance that may affect a prescribing decision by one of Our Medical Practitioners. We will not be accountable for any allergies or adverse reactions to any medications prescribed.


7.9 You will comply with any instructions given in relation to any prescription provided to you including and in particular route, timing and dosages. We are not responsible for any instructions in relation to the medication provided by a pharmacist or anyone else associated with the provision of medication You have been prescribed.


7.10 You will promptly report any side effects of any prescription to an appropriate healthcare professional.


7.11 You will protect anything prescribed to You and not permit any other person access to the prescribed medication.


7.12 You will not use any prescription after its expiry date.


7.13 Thryv Medical Practitioners are unable to provide private repeat prescriptions for ongoing conditions. Our Medical Practitioners may be able to provide a short-term supply of such medication but will direct You back to Your regular doctor as appropriate to seek further prescriptions for the same medication.


7.14 You are advised to inform Your GP of any medication changes advised by a Medical Practitioner.


Mental health and aesthetic treatment


8.1 It is important that all Clients considering aesthetic treatments have realistic expectations that focus on improvement rather than perfection. Complications or less than satisfactory results are sometimes unavoidable, may require additional treatment and can be stressful.


8.2 All Clients must openly discuss with Our Medical Practitioner, prior to treatment, any history they may have, of significant emotional depression, anxiety or mental health disorders. Although many individuals many benefit psychologically from the results of aesthetic treatments, effects on mental health cannot be accurately predicted.


Limitation of liability


9.1 Thryv will not be liable in contract, tort or otherwise for any economical loss (including, without limitation, loss of profit) or for any other special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, its provision of any services and/or goods to The Client.


9.2 It is The Client’s responsibility to ensure that he or she provide Thryv with all the relevant medical details prior to each treatment. Thryv will not be liable for any damage that occurs as a result of The Client’s failure to disclose such details.


9.3 The Client agrees to comply with all instructions and/or recommendations given to them, or on behalf of Thryv regarding their aftercare.


9.4 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit Thryv’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of Our breach of these Terms and Conditions or as a result of Our negligence.


Feedback and complaints


10.1 All feedback is appreciated, both positive and negative. Feedback is used to review and improve the quality of service. You may submit Your feedback verbally, in writing or via email to


10.2 If You have a complaint about Our services or any other complaint about the clinic or any of Our staff, please raise the matter with Us in writing or via email.


Changes to Terms and Conditions


11.1 We may from time to time change these Terms and Conditions without notice, but an up-to-date version will be available on Our website.​




12.1 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.


Law and jurisdiction


13.1 These Terms and Conditions, the Contract, and the relationship between You and Us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England & Wales.


13.2 Any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim between You and Us relating to these Terms and Conditions, the Contract, or the relationship between You and Us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England & Wales.


Entire agreement


14.1 These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.


14.2 Each party acknowledges that in entering into these Terms and Conditions it does not rely on and shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in the Terms and Conditions.


14.3 Each party agrees that it shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement based on any statement in the Terms and Conditions.


Third party rights


15.1 These Terms and Conditions do not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the agreement.


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